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I liked the sound direction and art style!

being able to only attack when grounded was an interesting challenge.

after level 3 my screen stayed black though.

did you make the art yourself?

Thank you! Yes, I made the art myself using Aseprite. Sounds like you encountered a bug after level 3 -- I probably should've spent as much time on code as I did on the artwork lol

The attack doesn't work very well and doesn't work at all when jumping. The hitboxes are too small. It's just not enjoyable at all.

Thank you for the feedback, those are fair points. These are considerations I would have probably acted on had I had more time, but unfortunately I was limited to 72 hours. Thank you for giving my game a play!


Hey, the design, art style, and music are very charming!

I didn't find any bugs, the only issue I had was that sometimes I wanted to pick up apples but I had to pass in front of the door, which automatically sent me to the next level 🍎

The mechanics are a little repetitive, but I found it quite solid and enjoyable, congratulations! 🚀

Thank you for playing, and for your kind feedback! I agree on the door thing; If I were to do a revised version, I would definitely change the doors to only activate when you press 'up', or something similar. Oh -- and I'd add way more content, lol.


lovely game!

Thank you very much! :)